Ben Body Exhibition
Ben Body is our most detailed human anatomy visualization produced in collaboration with Benjamin Moreno, CEO at IMA solutions. Thanks to a combination of real-captured data and anatomical representations in 3D, the inside of Ben offers a detailed and thorough visual experience of a healthy human body. The visualization and segmentation of the dataset took over a year to finalize and it comes preloaded with 34 informative annotations.
This Exhibition is in English.
Existing translations: Swedish, German, Norwegian
Featured in This Exhibition
Witness the appearance of a real heart or locate the position of a kidney. Ben Body comes equipped with organs beautifully visualized in a separate layer which makes virtual autopsies more thorough than ever.
Data by Benjamin Moreno, IMA Solutions, France
This visualization is designed by scientists for a deeper learning experience through a great range of visualized data, like a realistically modeled lymphatic system.
Data by Benjamin Moreno, IMA Solutions, France
Vascular system
Learn more about the great arteries and organs that keep our blood circulating and our body going. Through the use of contrast fluid during scanning a real-life vascular system was made visible.
Data by Benjamin Moreno, IMA Solutions, France
Nervous system
Reach a deeper understanding of the complexity of the human body with this modeled representation of a complete nervous system.
Data by Benjamin Moreno, IMA Solutions, France
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