Human Anatomy Exhibition - 3D Printing and Implants
The Human Anatomy Exhibition ”3D Printing and Implants” will provide a number of examples of how CT-scanning, 3D modeling, and 3D printing can be used to create custom-made implants that are perfectly fitting each patient’s anatomy for low invasive treatment of pathologies such as Pectus Excavatum, Poland Syndrome and Airway Stenosis Disease.
This Exhibition is in English.
Existing translations: Swedish, Spanish, Arabic (Contact us)
Featured in This Exhibition
CT scan acquisition of a living patient suffering of a Poland Syndrome congenital disease. Poland Syndrome is a partial or total lack of the Pectoralis Major muscle. It can be corrected by inserting a 3D custom-made implant trough surgery.
Data by IMA Solutions SARL, France
Face CT scan of a living patient. The mandibulae bone as been partially resected to remove a cancer tumor. Patient will undergo a surgery to reconstruct the missing mandibulae part.
Data by IMA Solutions SARL, France
CT scan acquisition of a living patient suffering of a Pectus Excavatum congenital deformation. Pectus Excavatum is a deformation of the ribs and sternum. With a frequency of 1 over 300 births, it is the most common thoracic congenital
deformation. This patient underwent a surgery to place a 3D custom-made implant to correct the deformation.
Data by IMA Solutions SARL, France
Face CT scan of a living patient. The mandibulae bone is protruding meaning a bad alignment of upper and lower teeth. The patient will undergo a surgery to realign correctly the mandibulae with the maxillary bone.
Data by IMA Solutions SARL, France
Chest CT scan with contrast of a living patient suffering from an airway stenosis. The patient cannot breathe normally because of a reduction of the section of the airway. Treatment consists in implanting an airway stent to get a normal airway section.
Data by IMA Solutions SARL, France